Break the cycle, actually stick to your goals.


Here's why goal-setting sucks (tell me if this sounds familiar):

You pick some vague goal–it’s more about what you think you “should” do. 

âȘą You have no framework or plan on how to achieve that goal...just a hope and a prayer.

âȘą You go full-out after that goal for like 2 weeks. And then, inevitably, life gets in the way.

âȘą You lose that motivation and just keep putting it off. 

âȘą You start getting frustrated with yourself, feeling lazy and undisciplined and eventually just give up .

âȘą But now, you feel so much worse about yourself. You feel ashamed and guilty that you don’t have the drive to go after what you want.  


Eventually, you just stop setting goals! Because going down that shame spiral is crushing!!!

So you’re just going through the motions. Every year starts to feel the same. 

No real goals. No real dreams. No real growth. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

 What if...

 you knew how to pick a goal that you’d actually stick to AND learned a system to break it down into doable chunks?

 you had a framework to make sure you didn’t get overwhelmed and give up? 

you found joy in the process of working towards your goals, making the journey just as rewarding as the destination? 

 you knew how to overcome the inevitable procrastination, lack of motivation, and other self-sabotaging behaviors that always get in the way? 

That’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in this Full-Day Workshop.

Hi, I’m Goli Kalkhoran.

After quitting my career as a lawyer, I struggled to figure out what to do with my life. But the real reason I couldn’t find any clarity was because I wouldn’t actually let myself dream. My dreams scared me because, deep down, I doubted whether I could ever reach them.  

I had tried to set goals before but I always seemed to give up. 

I was convinced that I just wasn’t motivated or disciplined enough to reach them. 

So I stopped. 

I made fun of people who had New Year’s if having goals was the problem (*insert eye roll*).

But then every year started looking the same. I became restless. I knew there was so much more to this life. So much more I wanted to experience. So much more potential.  

I became obsessed with figuring out how to go after it.

And through my own journey of creating 2 businesses, a podcast with hundreds of thousands of downloads, and a huge audience (all while working part-time), I’ve learned that I was just never taught how to properly think about and work towards my goals. 

The goal-setting tactics I was taught would’ve been great if I was a robot. 

It turns out that “just push through” is terrible advice for anyone who has a human brain. 

It wasn’t until I learned how to actually think about goalsetting in a completely different way that it changed the way I fully approached it. 

And I want to teach you! 


A full-day workshop to help you set real, attainable goals the right way.

December 8th, 2024


Here is what we'll cover:


⭐ The North Star

Learn how to dream big so you know what direction to go in.

Before we can know what goal we should work on, we have to know where we want to go. You’ll uncover your own secret dreams (the ones you’re too afraid to even voice) so that you can start planning how to build towards those dreams over time. 

You’ll also learn by 5-year blueprint that will help you break down those secret dreams in a way that becomes so doable.

⭐ The Goal:

How to actually pick a 1-year goal that you can reach.

After you know the direction you want to go, you’ll learn how to pick a goal that will excite you without overwhelming you. You’ll learn to think about goals in a completely new way so that you’re not dropping the goal by the end of January.

⭐ The Plan:

Creating 30-90 day plans to reach those goals.

Learn how to chunk down that goal into action plans that let you figure out exactly how to get there. You’ll be amazed at how much of the plan you can figure out when you have the right tools. 

⭐ The Mind:

How to overcome self-sabotage.

Learn how to root out procrastination, boredom, lack of motivation and other self-sabotaging behaviors so that you stick with your goals. Seriously. This alone is worth the entire workshop.

You will walk away with:

âȘą A clearer vision for your big dreams and the motivation behind why you want to go after them

âȘą A 5-year vision to set as a North Star

âȘąÂ A concise one year goal to focus on

âȘą Actionable 90-day sprints to get you towards that goal

âȘą A detailed plan to overcome the obstacles that will get in your way.

And more

You will head into the holidays knowing exactly what you’re going to work on for the next year and how that is going to move the needle for you.


How Much?

$497 $197

Yes, that’s right. You get an entire day of workshopping, a 17-page PDF with all the exercises you need, and the coaching to help you create an action plan all for $197.


 it's time to finally break the cycle and make...

Goals That Stick


$497 $197

  • Access to a full day, LIVE workshop
  • 17-page companion workbook
  • LIVE Coaching + Q&A
  • Extended Replay Access